Tips for developing effective workflow

Mar 30, 2023 | Featured App

 By Judie McCarthy, Recovering Accountant and Co-founder of Client Hub

Managing financial transactions accurately and efficiently is crucial for small businesses to ensure tax compliance, financial management, and decision-making. Bookkeeping is an essential function in this regard, and bookkeepers and accountants working with small businesses must have a good workflow and processes in place for the smooth management of their client’s financial records. This article summarizes the top 5 tips for developing effective workflow habits as an outsourced bookkeeper or accountant for small businesses:

  • Document your processes, including software used and relevant information, to ensure consistency in your work and facilitate delegation.
  • Streamline your processes by eliminating non-essential tasks and automating repetitive tasks.
  • Use task management tools like Client Hub to prioritize tasks, manage workload effectively, and avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  • Establish clear communication with clients through a communication policy that outlines communication channels, response times, and protocols for urgent issues.
  • Continuously evaluate your workflow and gather feedback from teams and clients to identify areas that require improvement.

By implementing these tips, bookkeepers, and accountants can work smarter, reduce stress, and provide excellent service delivery to their small business clients. Click here to read the full article.