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Deep Dive into Workflows

Eric Harris-Poindexter from Corpay One took us on an adventure through the various workflows available using Corpay! Workflow can be such a broad term, Heather explained that to her the idea of workflows is how the work gets done, with the automations happening behind the scenes, the people who are involved, and the process i.e. the who, what, why, and when to be completing tasks. With Corpay One, workflows are synonymous with automation. 

Liz, Heather and Eric discussed that talking to the accountants and bookkeepers in the firm is the key to workflows. They can determine what the steps to the workflows are and if any are repeated and maybe not necessary. Figuring out these steps can help save time, money and make the overall process smoother. Corpay One has the workflows built in which is amazing! 

With the playful term “WTF”, Eric explained that is what they have named workflows which means “What The Flow”.

Copray One is an all-in-one spend management platform with focus on billpay. They offer customized workflows and approval processes as well as capture documents digitally and automatically sync this info with accounting softwares. 

And of course it is fitting to have a FALL drink this time of year as we enjoyed the Corpay One drink, Crisp Corpay Cooler! Which pleasingly had vodka, whiskey and caramel!

If you’re interested in learning more about Copray One, be sure to check out their website, or you can watch the episode by visiting our website or on YouTube!

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